John Lewis Finance Rebrand

In 2004 the John Lewis Partnership launched their first financial service product. Throughout the years, more services and products were built and offered to John Lewis and Waitrose customers. When the credit card book was moved to HSBC, the company thought it was an appropriate time to brand a new umbrella identity for John Lewis's growing portfolio.


Who we were


First FS product


First FS branding


Insurance branding


Who we are

John Lewis Finance’s aim is to build a distinctive look for Finance communications while maintaining a strong visual relationship with the master brand. The strength of our identity is reinforced through consistent application across all points of the customer journey. 

The brand identity has been designed to communicate peace of mind with a warm, friendly intelligence.

More like a partner.
Trusted and loved, a partner through life. 


Understanding the master brand

Master brand framework

The brand framework is a clear and straightforward structure which
outlines the aspiration for the brand and sets the direction of how it
looks, feels, behaves and is communicated.

Brand behaviour

Trust and Love are at the heart of the John Lewis brand. They are
the keys to the unique personality and needs to shine through on
everything we do.

John Lewis logos

Our logo is the single most important way for customers to recognise
the brand. The logo and our brand extensions have been carefully
crafted. Because the logo is so important for customer trust, we have
to make sure it is used completely consistently.


Project challenges


John Lewis Finance will exist in both John Lewis and Waitrose environments and must work harmoniously in both whilst having standout 



Should be a noticeably different approach from other financial services providers with no cliché images.


Product range

Has to work across a broad range of products such as; Insurance, Foreign Currency, PartnershipCard and future products such as; Savings and Investments.


Flexible and extendable 

Has to work across multiple media platforms;
• In-store POS
• Direct mail
• Websites
• Supplier journeys
• Documentation
• Digital marketing - paid, social, influencer, and aggregator
• OOH and other large formats
• Digital screens
• TV


Depicting intangible products

Communicate a service and its value in a unique way as opposed to photographic physical products.



Should offer potential to develop over time, without reinventing the visual identity.



Must be relatively quick, simple and cost effective to create required communications. Although John Lewis has an in-house photography studio most additional identity imagery will be supplied alongside ATL ads.



Imagery should convey:
• Warmth
• Humanity
• Storytelling
• Be clever / thoughtful
• Be impact

The creative output should focus on the service and experience the customer should expect from John Lewis. The emphasis on the resolution rather than the problem.


Competitor analysis

First Direct 
Identity elements 
• Logo + Logo positions 
• Typefaces 
• Typographic style
• Colour (B&W)


Lloyds Bank 
• Logo + Logo position
• Typeface and positioning
• Typographic style
• Colour (Green grading)


Identity elements 
• Logo + Logo position 
• Typeface 
• Typographic style 
• Illustration


First Direct 
Identity elements 
• Logo + Logo position
• Typefaces 
• Typographic style
• Photography


Brand extension analysis









Identity elements

Logo, typeface, and colour (green)


Logo extension name, logo position, typographic style, framework, and imagery/photography


Identity development




Agreed logo


Graphic elements

With the logo mark agreed, we had to next agree on a visual style of photography, illustration, or another kind graphic element to communicate the various products.




Colour blocking with photography




Mark making


3D edges


Heritage symbol


Graphic F


Finance F element


Finance lines


Preferred options




Graphic mark


Photography exploration


Graphic mark exploration


Agreed graphic element – Photography


Photographic direction


Photographer - Lee Madsley


Photographic treatment
Inserting John Lewis and Waitrose green into images


New Marketing Director - New logo


Logo & photography application

Photography guidelines


Layout and positioning guidelines


Digital application


Digital banner guidelines


Digital styleguide